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Nasus - Curator of the sands - by Mitchken

Starting Items

Against AD-team

Against AP-team

Essential items

Last Item

Siphoning Strike: Unlock this abality in the begin and try to stack it as much as you can. Late game this ability will enable you to destroy turrets on your own, and kill their carries instantly.
Wither: Unlock at level 4 in case you get ganked you always can use this to slow one of the gankers or use it if your jungler is on his way to slow the enemy.

Spirit Fire: Unlock this one on level 2, use it to farm the mininos if you are playing against someone aggressive or a ranged champion. While in a team fight you must place it right so all of your team can deal additional damage because you lowered their armor.

Fury of the Sands: Use it at the beginning of a fight, not at the end. You may use this in a 1v1 fight in combination with ignite to shred them. If you want to use it to save you, first check if it will make a difference, if they will kill you anyway, its not a good solution.

Summoner spells
Flash: Very efficient if you arent fast enough to chase someone and only need one more hit, if you use your siphoning strike and flash, you will get a guaranteed kill.
Ignite: I take ignite always to prevent enemies on low health from escaping, you can also use this very effectively against lifestealing champioins.

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